Corporate Governance

Major Internal Policies

Articles of AssociationDownload
Rules of Procedure for Shareholders' MeetingDownload
Endorsement Guarantee Operation MethodDownload
Director Election MethodDownload
Procedures for Loaning Funds to OthersDownload
Code of Ethical ConductDownload
Code of Practice on PChome Corporate GovernanceDownload
Procedures for Acquisition or Disposal of Assets by PChomeDownload
Articles of Association of the Remuneration CommitteeDownload
Information Security PolicyDownload
Procedures for the Prevention of Insider TradingDownload
Code of Integrity ManagementDownload
Procedures for Ethical Management and Guidelines for ConductDownload
Implementation Measures for Whistleblower Reporting and Protection SystemDownload
Human Rights PolicyDownload
Green and Social Impact Investment PlanDownload
Environmental and energy conservation and carbon reduction management policiesDownload


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