Shareholder Information

Announcement of the Board of Directors to Convene the 2019 Annual Shareholders’ Meeting and Agenda

Announcement of the Board of Directors to Convene the 2019 Annual Shareholders’ Meeting and Agenda

1. Date of resolution of the board of directors: 2019/03/18 
2. Date of shareholders’ meeting: 2019/06/14
3. Meeting place of shareholders: No. 11 Zhongshan South Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City  (Zhang Rong Fa Foundation International Conference Center Room 802).
4. Convening matters 1. Reporting matters:
(1) The business report of the 2018.
(2) The audit report of the Audit Committee of the 2018.
(3) A report on the remuneration of employees and the distribution of directors’ compensation in the 2018.
(IV) The company’s loss amounted to one-half of the reported amount of paid-in capital.
5. Convening matters 2. Recognition matters:
(1) The financial statements and business report of the Company in 2018.
(2) The Company’s loss-making case for the 2018.
6. Convening matters 3. Discussion items:
(1) Amend the articles of association of the company.
(2) Amend the Company’s “acquisition or disposal of assets handling procedures”.
(3) Amend the Company’s “financial loan and other people’s operating procedures” case.
7. Convening matters 4. Elections: None
8. Convening the matter 5. Other motions: None
9. Convening the matter 6. Temporary motion: None
   Whether the content of the surplus distribution or loss allocation proposal has been announced in the case of dividend distribution (yes/no): yes
   If the contents of the surplus distribution or loss adjustment proposal have not been announced in the case of dividend distribution, please state the reasons:
   Other matters to be stated: According to Article 172 of the Company Law, it is fixed from April 3 to April 16. Accepted shareholder proposals in the company.



財團法人公共關係基金會-2020年傑出公關獎-品牌傳播獎 傑出獎 (私部門類)